Thursday, 31 March 2016

FREE Investment Seminar by Andy Yew (in Singapore)

Many Singapore stocks ran!  What are the other stocks to watch out for next?

- Seminar by Andy Yew (Live FM93.8 Market Analyst)

STI has recovered strongly!  A lot of blue chip stocks are running. 

Same as mid cap stocks and penny stocks recently. Look at MM2 Asia, Yoma and Sunningdale Tech and so many more. 

Andy Yew now thinks that Singapore is now indeed on a recovery mission.

Come and join Andy Yew to find out what are the other singapore stocks that is ABOUT to RUN soon!

Join us fast before they start to run too....... Don't miss out this Bullish run!

What you will learn:

What are the stocks that are in accumulating mode now?
Where is STI resistance now?
What are the sectors and stocks to watch out for?
How do you buy a uptrend stock on the reversal with precision?
Market outlook and individual Singapore stocks analysis using Technical Analysis

Dates: (Choose one)

1  Apr 2016, Friday     (English)    7pm - 10pm
14 Apr 2016,Thursday(English)   7pm - 10pm  

10 Anson Road, International Plaza #34-07 Singapore 079903
( Nearest MRT Tanjong Pagar )

Fee: Free

Speaker: Mr. Andy Yew (ART system founder)

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Monday, 14 March 2016

FREE Seminar by Daniel Loh

<<What are the Opportunities now that Asian Market has tumbled 30%? >>


The past 6 months are terrible for STI or Asian Market! 

STI has tumbled from 3550 to reach a 4 years low of 2520, a drop of around 30%!

In fact STI has been labeled as one of the worst performing index in the world for 2015. It has dropped 14.2% for the whole year.

But Daniel Loh still think this is one of the best chance to discover oversold stocks! In fact he is very bullish on the China economy, and this is in sharp contrast to some of the economists or analysts.

Investors or gurus like George Soros think China is doomed and heading for a HARD LANDING!

However Daniel thinks that "China economical recovery in the second half of this year might be the most shocking event of the year!" 

Look at today's news on Vanke, one of the most well known developer in china. Today the shares soared 6.3% in Hong Kong because of strong earnings amid government stimulus.

Daniel thinks STI and Singapore stocks might just recover this year as China juggernaut economy finds its bottom and starts to turnaround!

Come and find out about Daniel Loh's views, investment strategies and tips!

You shall also learn:

1) Which index in the world might enter into a super bull run cycle in 2016 that can make you rich?
2) What is the prediction for STI in 2016 and will it continue to be bullish?
3) What are the Singapore stocks & sectors to watch out for in Second Quarter?
4) What are the Signs and Hints that have start to show China economy might be bottoming?
5) How can you make money consistently in the stock market?


15 Mar  (Tue)        English session   Time: 7pm -10pm   or

16 Mar  (星期三)   华文讲座                 Time: 7pm-10pm

International Plaza, #34-07, 10 Anson Road, S(079903)
Tanjong Pagar MRT, Exit C

Speaker: Daniel Loh

Regularly interviewed by Mediacorp FM958
Regular interviewed by Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank
Invited speaker for OCBC Securities
Invited speaker for Shares Investment
Invited speaker for Shareinvestor

To register pls click here

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Friday, 11 March 2016

Daniel Loh 3月11日 FM958 电台访问 《美国经济非常健康,还没理由进入大熊市,新加坡股市2月猛涨!》

·       美国经济非常健康,还没理由进入大熊市!







  大家这几个星期都看的到,石油很快速反弹。Keppel Corp, Semb corp industries, semb marine都已经涨了20-30%了。


2) 第二个原因为什么股市好转是因为中国经济的问题和担忧开始慢慢接触了消化了。我们曾经说过我们判断中国经济在4月有可能见底。迟的话可能今年底。暂时大家不要太相信或猜疑中国可能会有什么hard landing硬着陆。我认为中国持续一直采用不同的策略刺激经济总有一天经济一定好转。






Raffles Medical 展翅高飞


可能在这边我提一支Raffles Medical。我提4点为什么我觉得这是一支长期的成长股

1) Raffles Medical有计划收购公司来拓展生意。最近收购了MC Holdings。这间公司能让Raffles Medical在中国展开业务,因为他在中国有许多诊所,甚至有计划要在上海开医院

2) Raffles Medical 2017Bugis将会建好另外一栋医院大概221000平方尺,能让未来的营业额增长。

3) 他的营业额分析师也预测会增长17%,还不错的成绩。

4) Raffles Medical现在在探讨要不要1股拆3股。我觉得如果成功股东通过的话,股票有机会短期往上升。

Friday, 4 March 2016

Malaysia Stock Watch: Airasia hits our target!! Congrats! Let it rest for a few days.... resistance zone at $1.70-$1.80 now!

Dear Friends,

In our last article, we did recommend you to look at Airasia. We mentioned that we are bullish on the market and seeking good momentum stocks. Airasia is one of them!

Our last article:  <<Airasia ready to spread its wings again to fly?>>

Congratulations on those that went in with us. Airasia did go from $1.45 to today $1.70 within 8 trading days.

Glad to receive these Facebook messages recently:

My opinion of Airasia now:

Based on my analysis, I do think that this stock might need to rest for a while before running again. There is certainly BIG PLAYERS inside this stock, just that it has reached a certain resistance zone now.

The resistance zone will be from $1.70-$1.80.

That is the reason why we placed a target profit slightly before this resistance zone at $1.67-$1.70 in the last article.

As short term traders, my recommendation is to always sell before a resistance zone and don't be greedy!

That was what I learnt in my years of trading and it had helped me.

Take profit is also one of the skillset a good trader needs. You don't want a case where your profits vanish because you hold on to a stock that for too long!

When I exited, it does not mean I will abandon this stock! I will continue to monitor the progress for the next few days. If indeed I find that there is still ACCUMULATION on this stock, I might go in again.

The KEY is to know the Big Players are secretly still accumulating or not.

Rest assure that I will still give my opinions on this stock again!

Just let me take profits first,  take the money,  enjoy & spend it over the weekends!


Thursday, 3 March 2016

FREE Seminar by Mr Yong Chin Hiong:

<<Untold Live Trading Secrets revealed that Investors MUST know! >>

( Sharing on how traders in a SG Proprietary Firm make money Every day!
& How YOU can do it too by learning the Methods!! )

Speaker: Proprietary Trading Firm Director Mr Yong Chin Hiong

Investors have been losing a lot of money recently in the falling Singapore market. However you need to understand that investment is a ZERO SUM GAME.

Even in a Bear market, proprietary firms and institutions probably are still making money!

This is the first time in Singapore that a Proprietary Firm Director is willing to teach you the secrets of how their traders still make money Every Day!

What You Will Learn:

1) Secret Live Trading scalping methods revealed!

2) How do make a living out of trading at the comfort of your home?

3) 4 Key strategies of opening and closing a trade!

4) Why long term trades are considered High Risk for proprietary traders?

5) How do you properly set up your trading desk?

6) How do you still get out at break even point when market turn against you?

7) How do Proprietary Firms make BIG money even in a Bear market?


10 Mar (Thu)   English session        Time: 7pm -10pm or
24 Mar (Thu)   English session        Time: 7pm -10pm


International Plaza,
10 Anson Road, S(079903)
Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit C

Speaker: Mr Yong Chin Hiong

SGX Academy Trainer
Prop Firm Quattro Global Director
Prop Firm Quattro Capital Director
Ex Phillip Securities Remisier
Warrant and Derivatives Specialist
Invited by Radio Station FM958 to talk about trading methodologies

To register pls click  here 

May click on Brochure to see:

Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

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