Saturday 27 September 2014

Apple bringing DOW up 200 points!

Dear Friends,

Today is a good end to the week. Yesterday's worries of Apple so called "Bent phone" seems to die down! Apple's $2.60 rebound seems to power DOW 200 points reversal (at 3am now)!

Just like what we said yesterday in our article,

"Market drop because of Bent Apple Iphone rumor is a Joke!"

we did advised all not to worry about Apple iphone sales and the report on durable goods. We mentioned to buy into apple's fall!

Appropriately, the market wake up to their senses! Apple brand is still intact. A lot of people might have ignored about Apple brand. A brand will always allow consumers to bend their habits to the products, no matter whether it has a little flaw.

If Apple phones are weaker because of their aluminium casing, consumers will buy protective covers to protect. They will be more careful in the handling. They will start to throw their tight pants for loose ones. Such is the power of BRAND!

And dont forget their have a revolutionary product in their pipeline with the launch of iwatch in december.

Yesterday was a good warning for us though.

This US Market goes in tandem with the price of Apple. This is called the Apple Phenomenon! If Apple stock remains strong in 4th quarter, I do believe that US Market will be strong too! If Apple falls, US Market will tumble also like yesterday.

Honestly, I am still quietly optimistic about this US market run. I am waiting for October earnings results. If October goes well, we may have a fantastic run in the 4th quarter as well. 


Friday 26 September 2014

Shares Investment Conference 18 October 2014 (Promo Rate by 30 Sep)

Dear Friends,

There will be a Shares Investment Conference coming up on 18th October. Taiwan Leading Investment Guru Hu Li Yang 胡立阳老师, Hong Kong well known economist Prof Chan Yan Chong 曾渊沧博士will be the main speakers!

I am also a speaker in one of the panel discussion.

There is a promotion if you sign up through us, RBI.
( Promo code for RBI members: EBRBI )
Event Date: 18 October 2014 (Saturday)
Event Time: 9am - 6.30pm
Venue: Kallang Theatre

Ticketing Site:
(Note: Early bird rate will be ending on 30 September)

Member rate as follow:
(More details can be found at

Morning Tix: $18 (UP: $28)
Afternoon Tix: $70.20 (UP: $78)
Full Day Tix: $79.20 (UP: $88)


FREE Singapore Stock Seminar by Andy Yew

<< With earnings coming up, what are the Strong Stocks you can look for in October? >>


sharing by Andy Yew

Andy Yew has accurately predicted the turnaound of a lot of stocks recently. Join him to know how he does it every month!

2 Oct 2014, Thu (English Seminar) 7pm - 10pm
3 Oct 2014, Fri (华文讲座)  7pm - 10pm

Sharing on
1) Spore Stocks that are trending upwards that you should take note of
 Spore Stocks that are suitable for short term trading
3) Spore Stocks that are showing reversal signals
4) Spore Stocks that are suitable for long term
Plus we will be providing analysis on your stocks!

Venue: 141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, opposite the traffic light

Speaker: Andy Yew (ART system Founder) 

To register pls click here 

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623 

Daniel Loh 9月26日 FM958 电台访问 《展望第4季股市》


1)      美国昨晚大掉264点。昨晚掉的原因有两个,一是苹果手提电话I phone6的担忧以及Durable Goods 不好的经济报告。

2)      首先我觉得这两个都不因该是让市场大掉的原因。Iphone 6的销量还是卖的相当好的。他的预购成绩是有史以来最好的一次。

3)      Durable Goods 的报告衡量生产业的公司有没有进原材料去生产。如果进的少,就证明公司对未来产品市场的销量比较没有信心。但是投资美国这样就,我觉得8月的这个报告根本都不重要。重要的是下个月9月的Durable Goods的报告通常会很好。因为910月很多公司要开始进货去做生产,因为年底的节日季节要来了。

4)      我觉得大家要更关注的是接下来108日过后的公司业绩报告。这才会决定第4季度股市好或坏。

5)      道琼斯现在是16945点。我们觉得16600点是道琼斯非常强的支持。


·        我们上个星期在马莉的节目中有提过我们判断海指接下来相当强的支持就在3250-3270点之间。如果海指有机会到3250点,我鼓励大家测试水温,目前还是保持这个观点。

·        我知道市场最近不是很活跃,相当淡,相当多的股票也不动。但是我觉得大家要有耐心。如果股市调正完了,我相信股市还是会回来的。


·        上证指数最近表现不错,突破了2250就一直冲到现在的2350点,股市相当强劲。
·        从图表来看,2250点会是一个相当强的支持。
·        我们判断股市可能在2250-2500点之间。希望今年有机会突破两年的2500点阻力。2500点可能是熊转牛 的转捩点。


·       香港最近两个星期表现不怎么好。从最高25362点跌到23650点,这三个星期也跌了1500点。

·       我们判断横生的支持就在23000-23500点。现在已经不叫便宜了。10月如果美国跟着往上走,我相信恒指也会开始反弹。


·         日经期货指数现在已经突破了16000点的大关。现在是16250点。



1)  联储局万一突然宣布利率在短时间里宣布要上涨了。我相信利率上涨的话题会是我们这个第4季度非常关注的话题。每次联储局的讲话都变成市场最关注的题目。大家可以看到上个星期三在联储局的会议当中,华尔街都非常关注主席耶伦的发表。

媒体关注到什么程度?就看耶伦会不会再用“considerable time”这两个字眼。意识是很多分析师都觉得如果联储局不再用着两个字,股市就可能要大掉了。





2)  这个季度我比较关注的倒不是利率的话题。而是第三季度美国公司业绩报告的数字。我觉得第4季度股市是否会好就在于最基本的因素 业绩!美国公司从108日过后陆陆续续就会开始公布业绩。整个10月华尔街也会非常关注。
我觉得大家要关注几个领域特别有影响力的股票。苹果,Wal Mart,美国银行,谷歌,Exxon Mobil这些大公司的成绩。他们在各自的领域都是最大的。这几间公司当中我会特别关注苹果I phone 6的销量。I phone 6的成绩可以让我知道是否月底的Christmas Rally会不会来,11月感恩节过后的零售业成绩好不好。

3)  第三个大家可能要关注的现象是经济会不会太好,以及市场对好经济的态度。去年我们发生一个比较怪的现象。经济报告如果好,股市反而掉因为他家害怕QE退市要来了。经济报告不好,股市反而涨。我就不知道市场接下来会不会有这样的反常现象。经济如果太好股市反而下滑。大家留意一下。


1) 市场现在最大的优势是整体的经济还是很健康的,美国的失业率一直都在下滑,通货膨胀还是比较低,公司的业绩越来越好。但是大家还是对市场有点怀疑和忧郁,不知道利率上升,股市会不会大掉。有担心,股市才不会有泡沫。这样的经济环境和市场心态最有利于股市。任何下滑都会反弹。

2) 市场最怕的是经济太过热了,通货膨胀开始严重,利率已经上到一个大家没法还贷的阶段。大家如果不再害怕买股票了,拼命买。这样我才觉得泡沫会出现。

Market drop because of Bent Apple Iphone rumor is a Joke!

Dear Friends,

I love this market. Dow actually falls because of a bent i-phone rumor. Ha! It just gives me plenty of reason to want to enter the market. This is the article in marketwatch that talks about Apple tendency to bent under stress put a dent on its launch. 

It was also reported that durable goods results did not perform up to expectations.

Few points from me on today:

1) Apple stock price won't be affected by this rumor of a perhaps easier bent phone. Today actually gives me more reason to own this stock. People will still buy the iphone. Apple phones are good because of its stability over Android phones and brand!

I always say buy into this stock when it drops 10%. There is a new product launch coming up in December. The I-watch expectation will push the stock up towards christmas season. I know it has not been a 10% drop from the high of $103. But where else can you get a discount? Today on the rumor. Perhaps only today.

2) The market is blinded by the poor august durable goods results. It was reported that orders for durable U.S. goods plunged a record 18.2% in August after a record 22.5% gain in July, mainly because of volatile demand for airplanes.

Durable goods results are normally very good in September, which is next month because of increasing preparation of holiday season. Durable goods is a survey on the raw material preparation by companies. Not good this month is normal.

No factor of a selldown for me..

Having said that, I believe today's selldown has no reason. What I am interested to know is whether the overall earnings results are good for October. That will be the determining factor whether 4th quarter is good.

Not Apple i-phone rumor or Durable Goods.

I think the stock market has a chance to rebound from today's selldown. 

Let us focus on a more REAL reason for a selldown please, MR MARKET!

Daniel Loh

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Free Seminar by Daniel Loh: STI & Global Market Outlook for 4th Quarter

<< STI & Global Market Outlook for 4th Quarter >>

By Daniel Loh 

Listen to Daniel Loh's predictions again!!!

What you will learn:

1) What are the markets to look at now?
2) What is the hot sector to look for?
3) Where is STI and DOW heading towards to???
4) How to make money consistently in the stock market every month?


24 Sep (Wed)    English session
Time: 7pm -10pm

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

Speaker: Daniel Loh  
Regularly interviewed by Mediacorp FM958
Regular interviewed by Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank
Invited speaker for OCBC Securities
Invited speaker for Shares Investment
Invited speaker for Shareinvestor

Cost: Free

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Alibaba successful US IPO starts with a simple speech! But should we buy now?

Amazing largest IPO in American stock history is achieved by a Chinese Company that started with a simple dream...

IPO opening price: $92.70
Highest reached: $99.70

But don't buy this stock now!  Hope it capitulate to lower price first, perhaps US$60 or below first ;)

Successful Penang Turnout! Good experience on my first talk in Penang!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

KLCI buying zone at 1800-1815!

Dear Friends,

I know that recently KLCI has fallen quite a bit from its all time high of 1896. I am looking closely at when the bottom might come. My buying zone (if it comes) will be 1800-1815. 

Today the lowest price it goes to is 1832. Still 15 points from where I like to buy in. 

1800 - 1815 is my target


I am aiming for this turnaround! Buy AUD/USD at 0.88 to 0.89

Dear Friends,

We did catch the bottom of Aussie dollars in the past. It has been 8 months before AUD/USD pair reach 0.89 again. I do think again that a rebound is in the cards.

Buying zone for me is 0.88-0.89. Mid to long term trade. At least hold 3 months.


Monday 15 September 2014

Expect Dow to rebound off 16750-17000 region this week!

Dear Friends,

Recently I hasn't been writing my blog because I am having a 2 weeks holiday in Europe. Life has been great and I am taking a short holiday break to re-energise myself!

Some of our friends asked about our posts. Nothing wrong, I will still continue to post my views!

Some friends asked me about these few days decline in Dow. They are worried about the recent drop and the news of the FED coming out this week.

So far, on the short term, I do feel that the DOW can't drop much.

This week, we might see a rebound in the region of 16700-17000 region. That is the buying zone. I expect the lowest DOW will go to is 16700.

So expect a rebound soon and get up above 17000 again! Soon....


Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...