Monday, 25 April 2016

Questions and Answers on Doha Oil meeting, Asian Currency, Commodities market and Stock Market Danger in May!

Dear Friends,

Recently I received an interview on the following questions on investment market situation and below are my answers:

Q1. Crude oil price dipped slightly following the Doha meeting because Iran refused to pump less. What do you think will happen the crude oil prices in the next few months then?

Crude Oil has bottomed at US$26 and probably is now in a bull market. You can see it from the oil price movement recently. It all started with the possibility of the oil price freeze suggested by Russia in February. Any bullish news now is going to push the price higher and higher. Any bad news like the rejection of Iran oil price freeze are digested easily by the market.

Even after the bad news of the Doha meeting following a 3 days drop in crude oil, it climbed from $39 to as high as $44.50 recently. The recent drop in China GDP figures from 6.8% to 6.7% did nothing to dent the price of crude oil too.

All the bad news have been priced in. Be it the big Iran oil supply that is going to flood the market or the slowing down of China Economy or the no deal in the oil price freeze.

However, what if in these next few months there is a breakthrough among the OPEC countries? What if there is a oil price freeze that occur without Iran? What if there is any sudden explosion of any oil fields? What if a Hurricane hit some oil rigs in US and stop production? What if Donald Trump who “propose bombing the hell out of ISIS” got the nomination to be the republican candidate to be the next US president?

Any of these news that occur may suddenly trigger a burst in the oil price in this market. Bear in mind that now, market is more sensitive to bullish news than bearish.

I do look forward by the end of this year that crude oil reach $57-$60 where it will face a big resistance.

Q2. How will the oil prices affect the US Fed's outlook for the global economy, noting that oil prices played quite a huge role in the recent recovery in most markets?

I think the depressed oil price is one of the considerations by the FED in deciding how fast US will increase interest rates. The reason why the market thinks that FED will not increase the interest rate in the next meeting is because there isn’t  any inflation concern now due to the depressed oil prices and the recent dovish comments by FED chairwoman Janet Yellen.

However I expect all the dovish stance to change if crude oil price continue to increase in the next few months.

I have many times in recent interviews talk about my view that China economy might bottom this second half of the year and recover. 

If that is true, I think US will need to increase interest rates much faster than expected next year.

Q3. Also, a few oil drillers have defaulted because of the persistently low oil prices. But big boys like Keppel and Sembcorp experienced rallies in their stock prices as crude oil price recovered. What would happen to them now, though?

They probably have bottomed in February just like the oil price. If oil price did continue its increase, I expect the oil stocks to continue its recovery. As I have mentioned at the end of last year and in February, I am bullish on oil & gas and commodities sector this year.

Interviews by Shares Investment in recent months:

I do not mean invest now when a lot of oil and gas and commodities stocks have recently appreciated a lot. But if in recent months, those stocks start to consolidate, try to pick some up. Oil and Gas and Commodities sectors this year will outperform other sectors.

Q4. Noting that Asian currencies and markets have been performing well over the past month or so, will commodities and commodities dependent countries be affected too? How and why?

Yes. You are seeing commodities exporting countries’ currency have bottomed and been appreciating since January or February. Currencies like Aussie dollars, Canadian dollars or even Malaysian Ringgit have been strong in recent months.

We have stated even since last year we expect commodities to go into a super bull run this year. It has happened.

I am so excited about commodities this year. I have mentioned that this will be one of the biggest turnaround story of this year, and it is happening already! That is the reason the commodities exporting countries currency are appreciating.

There are so many investing opportunities now.

Q5. In your opinion, do you think that the recent rally in Singapore's stock market was not backed up by fundamentals but rather, by the US stock market? Why and what can we expect in Singapore's market in the near-term?

Singapore STI has run from 2530 to now 2940. In March when I was interviewed, we did give our views that we are bullish on STI this year because of China and commodities. 

However we also pointed out that STI might reach a resistance at 2950-3000.

Interview on STI outlook by sharesinvement:

We continue to think so.

As STI has run so much in the last 3 months, my suggestion is wait for it to consolidate a bit first. Prices are high now.

We do expect Wall Street famous saying “Sell in May and Go Away” might happen this year as US market all near to all time high again.

My suggestion is short term go away next month and come back to invest again after the market consolidate. You can buy stocks at a discount.

Daniel Loh


FREE Investment Seminar by Daniel Loh

Come and find out about Daniel Loh's views, investment strategies and market tips!

You shall also learn:

1) Which index in the world might enter into a super bull run cycle in 2016 that can make you rich?
2) What is the prediction for STI in 2016 and will it continue to be bullish?
3) What are the Singapore stocks & sectors to watch out for in 2H 2016?
4) What are the Signs and Hints that have start to show China economy might be bottoming?
5) How can you make money consistently in the stock market?


24 May  (Tue)        English session   Time: 7pm -10pm   or

25 May  (星期三)   华文讲座                 Time: 7pm-10pm

International Plaza, #34-07, 10 Anson Road, S(079903)
Tanjong Pagar MRT, Exit C

Speaker: Daniel Loh

Regularly interviewed by Mediacorp FM958
Regular interviewed by Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank
Invited speaker for OCBC Securities
Invited speaker for Shares Investment
Invited speaker for Shareinvestor

To register pls click here

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Market Outlook by Andy Yew && Free Investment Seminar on Singapore Market

- Written on 18th April  by Andy Yew    (Live FM93.8 Market Analyst)

US market

Last week US market remained bullish, cumulative weekly return for Dow jones is up 1.82%, Nasdaq up 1.8%, S&P 500 up 1.62%. For US index, we still don't see price turning down yet, hence we are still holding on to the stocks.

Oil futures show weakness as we are in the 4th consecutive down day. This is usually a bearish sign when we see 4 consecutive down days out of 5 trading days. it shows that people are selling. Oil falls to the low of 37.61 this morning but have rebounded during Asia and Europe trading hour.



Fed Meeting

On 17th March, US did not increase the interest rate in the FED meeting, and Fed announce that the there will most likely be 2 rate hikes this year instead of 4. The next Fed meeting is on 26-27 April, most likely there will not be a rate high this month. Instead, we will hear Fed talking about the likelihood of rate hike in June. 

Though most investor think that Fed will not increase interest rate now, the Unemployment rate is at 5% now and non farm payroll and CPI result is good. Based on the data, economy in recovering. Fed have the reason to talk more about the plan of increasing interest rate in the upcoming meeting on 27 April.

3月17日美联储会议最终不加息并对未来加息次数预期降为2次. The Fed’s next meeting is April 26-27. 4月联储会议将讨论未来6月加息的可能性,目前市场一致认为美联储加息概率较低,不过目前美国失业率维持在5%及以下水平,非农就业的数据也持续表现强劲,核心CPI持续维持在2%以上,国际市场较为稳定 投资者需要提防4月27日会议发布偏鹰派言论。

Singapore Market

Singapore market current at an overbought position, most stock already up and on a high side. This means the risk of a correction in May is likely. I will put 2800 as a point to tell if STI turn around, if it breaks below 2800 then that is a point to close more position, otherwise will continue holding.

Oil companies 

Ezra report big losses last friday, i think oil companies will still report bad result this quarter as last quarter the oil price was at the low, be cautious on this.

This week focus will be on corporate earnings result of some blue chips stocks such as Keppel Corp, Singapore Exchange (SGX) and Hutchison Port Holdings Trust. They will issue their financial reports this week.

Malaysia Market 

Bank is strong as malaysia ringgit recovers. Most other stocks did not have a big move since march, except for Airasia, export sector is still weak but is forming a support level, possible to have a rebound at current level. If you see bank start falling and export sector start recovering, then its time for entry.


Gold is currently the biggest winner, since January Gold price up more than 15%

(Click on chart to expand)

Gold Miners

You probably win more with the Gold miners as they have fallen to pretty low level in the past few years. Some of them like US listed companies such as DRDgold (Chart Shown Below). It has just gone up more than 300% recently and Barrick gold (Chart Shown Below) gone up more than 100% since January.

(Click on chart to expand)

JOIN Andy Yew in the FREE Seminar below to find out more of such stocks  to BUY in both Singapore and US Market!!!


FREE Investment Seminar

Topic: Time Tested Strategy For Trend Trading in Stock and CFD

- by Andy Yew (Live FM93.8 Market Analyst)

What you will learn:
  • Time Tested Proprietory Strategy to trade in Stock and CFD
  • How this strategy can apply in any market around the World
  • Simple Steps to pick the Growing Stocks?
  • How you can apply Sector Analysis to find what is the Strong/Weak sectors now?
  • Market outlook and individual Singapore stocks analysis using Technical Analysis

Dates: (Choose one)

21 Apr 2016,Thursday(English) 7pm - 10pm
28 Apr 2016,Thursday(English) 7pm - 10pm

29 Apr 2016,星期五 Fri (华文) 7pm - 10pm


10 Anson Road, International Plaza 
Singapore 079903
( Nearest MRT Tanjong Pagar )

Fee: Free

Speaker: Mr. Andy Yew (ART system founder)

To register pls click here

Thursday, 7 April 2016


·       美国股市4月业绩可能把股市推向历史高点



1) 美国的经济数据还是相当健康但通货膨胀不却不高。这个月的非农就业报告就相当好。大家要了解,只要通货膨胀不高,耶伦就没压力一定要提升利率。我曾经提过美国还有利率作为武器。如果股市不好,耶伦只要说不加息或甚至减息,股市就会回来。



2) 美国股市上涨的第2个原因是因为石油到底部$26反弹了。一月股市是因为石油大跌,但是石油回来,股市也恢复

3) 美国走势上涨第3个原因是因为许多朋友担心的中国经济问题已经不再提起了。节目中我提过,我相当看好中国经济可能在下半年见底。从种种迹象,确实视乎有可能。我们等一下再提中国。




·       新加坡2016年股市乐观








·       中国经济刺激有效,二线到四线房价接下来可能暴涨







免费Daniel Loh投资讲座:


日期:412日(星期二)English seminar     


凯联大International Plaza #34-07
10 Anson Road, S(079903)
Tanjong Pagar MRT,  Exit C

讲师: Daniel Loh

Regularly interviewed by Mediacorp FM958
Regular interviewed by Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank
Invited speaker for OCBC Securities
Invited speaker for Shares Investment
Invited speaker for Shareinvestor

To register pls click here

Friday, 1 April 2016

FREE Seminar by Mr Yong Chin Hiong:

<<Untold Day Trading Secrets revealed that Investors MUST know! >>

( Sharing on how traders in a SG Proprietary Firm make money Every day!

Speaker: Proprietary Trading Firm Director Mr Yong Chin Hiong
Investors have been losing a lot of money recently in the falling Singapore market. However you need to understand that investment is a ZERO SUM GAME.

Even in a Bear market, proprietary firms and institutions probably are still making money!

This is the first time in Singapore that a Proprietary Firm Director is willing to teach you the secrets of how their traders still make money Every Day!

What You Will Learn:

1) Secret Live Trading scalping methods revealed!

2) How do make a living out of trading at the comfort of your home?

3) 4 Key strategies of opening and closing a trade!

4) Why long term trades are considered High Risk for proprietary traders?

5) How do you properly set up your trading desk?

6) How do you still get out at break even point when market turn against you?

7) How do Proprietary Firms make BIG money even in a Bear market?


4 April   (Mon)  English session        Time: 7pm -10pm or
15 April (Fri)     English session        Time: 7pm -10pm or
22 April (Fri)     English session        Time: 7pm -10pm

International Plaza, 
10 Anson Road, S(079903)
Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit C

Speaker: Mr Yong Chin Hiong

SGX Academy Trainer
Prop Firm Quattro Global Director
Prop Firm Quattro Capital Director
Ex Phillip Securities Remisier
Warrant and Derivatives Specialist
Invited by Radio Station FM958 to talk about trading methodologies

To register:   pls click here

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