Thursday, 27 September 2012

I like what I see in US today! It did not drop much when Europe tanks 1%

Dear Friends,

These few days drop did make me worry a bit. But I do like what I see in the US market today. Let me give you the reasons.

1) Yesterday Dow dropped by a triple digit which I always say is a confidence denter and I will look closely at how things react the next day. However today, Dow did not drop much, just 15 points which I consider mild after yesterday mild panic amid the Spain riot.

2) Today Europe drop 1.5% for FTSE index. Dax drop 2%. This is a considerable drop in Europe. To be honest, I anticipated Dow to drop another triple digit following Europe weakness. Yet, Dow seems resistant! to my surprise. So it indicates that market sentiment is still good, and not yet as bad.

Hence my conclusion is that for those who has stocks at hand, if your stop loss is not hit, probably there isn't any need to sell away first. As things are not that bad. In fact, I foresee there is a possibility 2moro Europe and US might close in the green.

But having said that, be careful in entering any positions. As next week is a week packed with major economical news which still has the capability to swing fortunes anytime.

For now, let us still maintain our positive stand until sentiment really changes...


Ever wonder why Oil is decreasing? Duh...

Dear Friends,

Oil futures struggled to hold on to $90 a barrel Wednesday, less than two weeks after topping $100, under pressure from renewed euro-zone concerns and as a surprise decrease in inventories failed to lift prices.

It was reported in marketwatch:

"Losses mounted as the session progressed, and the news from the Energy Information Administration was not enough to counter the fears of diminished demand for oil amid turmoil in Europe and concerns that the latest round of monetary stimulus in the U.S. might not be enough."

Well dear friends,

This drop in oil price was predicted. Easy play if you followed our call. Even Wall Street could not explain the drop.They thought it was high frequency trading fault. Even the supply assurance today did not help the drop. Why???

We explained a few days ago in this article, remember?

We mentioned that although there may be a temporary rebound in US energy and oil price. But it won't be long. Mid term trend is down. Grab your opportunity to short!

But please rest assured that it has not affected Singapore Energy Stocks like Ezion and Ezra. They are different.

What I meant is oil price and US energy stocks. And do not think that this is the lowest oil will be... w still think it has chance to drop some more... when energy stocks really turn bearish!


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Congratulations if you follow our call on Ezion again! 15% ROI in 1 day!

Dear Friends,

A couple of days ago, we issued an article that Ezion has a barrier at $1.30. Indeed it stayed there for a few days without breaking that barrier. We also mentioned that if Ezion can get near $1.29, chances are high that it can break $1.30...

Check our article:

Yesterday it reached that mark, $1.29. And indeed if you followed us on the call, at least you would have caught the breakout. Now the price is $1.33 - $1.335. Highest reached is $1.345.

If you are like one our Singapore Stock Course graduates, who went in yesterday at $1.29 for 10 lots, you would have made a $400 profit by exiting at $1.33 now...

With a 15% margin requirement using CFD, that is a 15.03% ROI in 1 day!

But of course this graduate has not exited. Like what I told the student, if you are greedy for more profits, you should put your stop loss now at breakeven, which is $1.30. Put your profit target at $1.465.... and go to sleep! Yes, $1.465 is my profit target! Even if it does not hit, you would have already protected your capital, for this trade, You would have achieved a no loss situation at most! Guarding our capital is the number 1 rule of a trader!

That is for greedy people like us, who are not satisfied with the 15% we achieved in 1 day! Do not feel sorry or blame us if you exit at $1.30 when you should be making $. This is disciplined trading! If you do not practise this simple technique, you might have been losing $$$ consistently. Do not blame anyone, but your lack of good money management practice all these years!

Btw, even if we exited at $1.30, we will enter when it comes back up to $1.32. A stock that has died never comes back up. If it comes back, it is about to retest its high.

If you are able to time your entry by pciking the right stock, and couple it with the correct money management skills, I really can't see you not making money in the stock market!

Some of you may have this question. But Daniel, how do you ensure that you time your entry and know which stock is about to run???

Well, come for our Singapore Stock Course this Thursday and Friday and we will share with you the SECRETS to MAKING $ in Singapore Stocks....

It really ain't tough!


The Magic of Picking the Right Stock in Singapore Market
(plus a sharing revision of what Jim Rogers said about the stock market in Sharesinvestment Conference)

You shall learn

1) What is Jim Roger's View on Current Market
2) Timing your entry

3) The Magic of picking the right stock

Date: 27 Sep 2012, Thursday 7pm - 10pm    (English) or 
Date: 28 Sep 2012, Friday 7pm - 10pm   (Chinese 华文)
Speaker: Daniel Loh, Andy Yew, KL Wong

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

Cost: Free

To register pls click here 
or SMS  to 93676623 <Name><Hp><Email><Date><Seats>


For those playing Gold, do take note that Mr Hu Li Yang thinks gold run has ended with a high of $1923.70 one year ago

Dear Friends,

Will Gold price ever hit $1923.70 again, now that QE3 expectation already gone? This is a chart for your reference...

In a triple top box pattern now. Asian Leading Investment Guru Mr Hu Li Yang does not think it has the strength anymore and he may be right.

We think any upside is limited even if it exceeds that highest mark.

Long term wise, please avoid it, say no to MLM companies making money by asking you to join their business buying gold. We have seen many closed down in Malaysia and Singapore whenever gold price sinks by 10%. Recently I have heard a Singapore company turning hot again... sigh. Sometimes they have no intention of deceiving. It is just that when market is uncertain, a panic will cause a lot of people to cash out, suddenly forcing the company to run out of cash.

So if you think of joining them, be extra careful. Don't be the next Sunshine Empire or Lehman Brothers! If you know what I meant ;).


It is not a good afternoon in the US today amid riot in Spain

Dear Friends,

Yesterday in Spain there is a social riot in the streets. This tension has led to the Dow crumpling down 85 points now into the red when it started beautifully. As I have said in the last article, Dow is not in the panic stage. But neither is it able to close confidently higher these few days... in fact quite a few stocks today dropped to close in the red...

So my suggestion is not to enter first b4 next week important reports. Short term wise, market is not there. At least I can't sense it these few days in US.

So better to careful and cut down on your position size even if you enter.


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Market Sentiment Indicator for 25 Sep

1) New York Stock Exchange Sentiment indicator: 70.77% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 3 Jul)
(NYSE Exchange Stocks has turned bullish)

2) Nasdaq Sentiment indicator: 59.35% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 5 Jul)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

3) S&P 500 Sentiment indicator: 79.00% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 18 Jun)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

4) Energy Sentiment indicator: 97.78%  
(Bullish signal: Bull Alert 13 Sep)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

This has to drop as it can't reach 100%, just be careful...

5) Financial Sentiment indicator: 80.25% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 22 Aug)
(Energy Sector has changed sentiment to bullish)

6) Technology Sentiment indicator: 70.89% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 27 Jul)

(S&P500 Technological stocks has turned bullish)
The figure in % indicates how many percent of stocks are bullish in the exchange or sector

A reading above 70 means Overbought condition. Pls note that entering position above 70 indicates Market Risk is high. You may want to play short term or lower your position size. If Bullish sign turns Bearish when reading is above 70 means you should liquidate positions. 

A reading below 30 means Oversold condition. Entering position below 30 indicates Market Risk is low. Consider entering when Bearish signal turns Bullish.

亚洲股市教父 胡立阳: 股市才是经济的火车头

2012年09月07日09:16 腾讯财经





2008年9月雷曼公司倒闭,为了防范经济受到伤害,美国率先采取低利率政策,大幅度宽松货币,希望因此能拯救投资与消费。 只不过我担心,再多的资金如果没有跑到该去的地方,只会更加恶化全球热钱泛滥的问题,无异于饮鸩止渴。我认为,市场缺的不是资金,而是信心。所以,光靠降 息绝对无法快速刺激消费,增加生产。反而是,如果能先稳定股市,经济问题才能慢慢迎刃而解。因为,对已如惊弓之鸟的大众而言,只有在欣欣向荣的股市中,让 他们真正又开始赚到钱了,才能治愈忧郁症,才能拾回信心,也才能再度燃起他们的消费及投资意愿。

结果,美联储在施行了QE1、QE2 等一连串的量化宽松政策之后,竟然是歪打正着,庞大的资金虽没有如愿的引进生产事业,但却无心插柳的刺激了华尔街股市,而欣欣向荣的股市又强力挺住了原本摇摇欲坠的美国经济。








王冠一錦囊: 量宽推动 金市屠熊

当 日文章指出,利好金价的因素包括:不少央行包括俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克及土耳其等央行均宣布提升黄金于外汇储备中的比重、欧洲国民买金作为欧债危机避风 港、持有黄金因利率低而成本大减,而环球天气反常,旱灾与涝灾处处,令农作物失收,糎价飞升,让黄金得以发挥抗通胀功能等,更以索罗斯和约翰保尔森大举增 持,加强大家对金价后市的信心。





由7月起计,投资者透过ETP买入了11.5吨黄金,是2010年次季后最多,所持黄金于9月19日为破纪录的2,519吨,总值高达1,430亿美元。约翰保尔森于次季提升SPDR Gold Trust持有量26%,索罗斯更倍增其持有量,估计可食正今次升浪,成为大赢家。

虽然印度次季黄金入口下降了56%,但踏入婚嫁及宗教节日高峰期,实质需求仍可为金价升势增加上升动力。央行大举印钞,货币贬值的恐惧,将令黄金的储存价值(store of value)及抵御通胀功能得以尽情发挥。逆势沽金,有如担沙塞海,只会成为大鳄的点心,非智者所应为。

The market is telling me things are not as bullish anymore!

Dear Friends,

As a trader, we need to be sensitive to the market sentiment. Currently, the market is not as good to trade as 2-3 weeks ago amid the QE expectations anymore. There is a consolidation to some of the stocks.

But there is also no panic yet in the market. I would probably cut down on my positions and control my lot size unless I see a clear direction ahead of next week.

Next week is the big week as big reports in US will be released on Monday and Friday. Monday there is the ISM report which indicates how the enterprise are doing and Friday will be the non farm payroll. Do bear in mind that in September, the non farm payroll report is a disaster! In september, the market is abnormal as bad reports meant the likelihood of QE.

Do not expect the market to be as forgiving this month! Any shortfall will cause the market to drop this time...

So it pays to be extra careful this month about the reports next week. But if the reports are good, the market will also give us the extra push after these few days pause.

To summarise things up, I still can't see the hype about the stock market. Neither do I see any panic now. I would be extra careful in picking my stocks should I want to enter now. Cut down on my positions too or stay in the sideline is my strategy now!


Monday, 24 September 2012

Singapore Stock Tip: Ezion barrier at $1.30

Dear Friends,

It is no coincidence that we mentioned our darling Ezion will have difficulty getting past $1.30 on 10th September.

Look at our article:

On Wed, Ezion did indeed reached a high of $1.30 on 19th September. Today it is $1.255 now.  These few days it did struggle to go past $1.30. In fact, someone asked me what to do with this company at $1.30. I say sell away first.

Do remember that it is all time high and there aren't any reference for us. But how do we know there is a resistance at $1.30. Well, the thing is we have generated a set of figures called the "LAW of Gravity of Price" whereby without looking at the charts, there are a set of figures where there is a strong support and resistance. $1.30 happens to be one of them. Stocks will struggle at this figure.

So what do we now for this stock?

Well, my suggestion is let it rest a bit. Watch the stock when it is back up at $1.29...

If it comes back, there is a high chance this time it will break $1.30. I will be studying carefully to see if it is supported by professional money before entering.

We would be issuing our view if we think it has consolidated and about to run.

Good luck trading Singapore stocks.


Friday, 21 September 2012

FREE Investment Seminar by Daniel Loh

<<Secrets of the US stock market & How it affects Singapore market>>
- How will the Stock market be after QE3?

You shall learn

1) US market important economical reports and implications
2) Outlook of Singapore and US market
3) How to profit in the stock market in 2nd half of the year
4) An easy way to pick the right stocks

Date: 25 Sep 2012, Tues 7pm - 10pm    (English) or
Date: 26 Sep 2012, Wed 7pm - 10pm   (Chinese)
Speaker: Daniel Loh

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

 《美国股市的秘密 他如何影响新加坡股市》
-  QE3过后,股市的方向是什么?


日期:925(星期二,· 英文讲座)      926(星期三,· 华文讲座)
时间:晚上7 10
讲员:  Daniel Loh
地点:141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building
#07-02 S(069541),

丹戎巴葛地铁站G出口,· 直走80米,· 红绿灯对

如想报名,请点 here 
或 SMS <名><Email><手机><日期><多少席位> 到 93676623

曾淵滄專欄 2012 09 21: 复苏力度主宰商品


Who says we are bearish now?

Dear Friends,

I have a friend who posted me a question when she saw her stock dropped in one day. I am surprised that some of us think that the market is bearish. At this moment, I have not seen the panic yet. The bullishness is intact.

Let me indicate to you what I might think as a slightly bearish scenario, one that may cause me to take note.

1) Dow decrease by a triple digit and close at a low (prepare to sell)
2) Dow falls by 2 days with each day closing at low (might sell liao)
3) Dow drops by 3 consecutive days in a row (prepared to enter when selling panic subsides if I think mid term still bullish)

That is an easy way how I gauge the market sentiment. Today, I can't see DOW falling much. Dow falls and gaps down with the stocks at the opening bell because of bad economical report from China and the jobless claims. But it recovered beautifully when the manufacturing Philly FED beats expectation. It shows 2 things here. 

First, there isn't any need to press the panic button, not by the recovery we have today.

2nd is that now that the QE3 thingy is over, market has returned to its normal status where bad economical reports are no longer good for the market. Bad are bad now, and it will cause the market to drop. So shift our eyes back to the jobs status and enterprise output and earnings reports next month!

In fact I treat this slight pause as a good bullish signal. The bullish vehicle can't go on without resting at the pit stop! The bull can't go on without worry!

Don't worry when your Singapore stock falls by 1 cent! Hold it still....


Energy Sector has staged a temporarily comeback today

Dear Friends,
After a few days consecutive drop, I must say today this sector regained its composure with grace. Energy sector ETF, XLE gaps down at the open and close midday at a high. This is a temporary bullish signal.

Do take note that we remain bearish on this sector midterm. But as oil has dropped almost $10 in 4 days, there may be a slight pause or recovery. So in the meantime, let it recover.

Find opportunity in future to short the sector when it does...


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Warning! Do not touch US Oil and Energy Stocks from now on!

Dear Friends,

Did you remember that we posted an article mentioning that Energy sector in US is going down on 5th Sep?

We said it because our market sentiment indicator on Energy stocks has turned bearish.

However because of the hype of QE, this action is delayed. Oil price and Energy stocks continued to march higher after a pause.

BUT 3 days ago, oil reached a high of $100.

Today, the world is baffled why oil price dropped so fast in these 3 trading days after that. Wall Street could not give an explanation and reasons for the drop... not when middle east still got problems. CNBC is blaming it on high frequency trading. That is such a pathetic reason, sigh...

Below is an article by yahoo stating the "REASONS" for the drop... in fact nobody knows y! Not when we have QE3 right? Shouldn't inflation expectation and the speculation money push oil higher? Wall Street could not find explanations

Today I am going to reveal to you the reason y Wallstreet don't know.

It is because Wall Street did not study our blog lah... haha ;). If they studied, they might be hedging by shorting energy stocks.

Ha, the real reason is that most of the Energy stocks in US are bullish, in fact 3 days ago, it reached a high of 97% of stocks being bullish, which is too overbought!!!

I know you may think with these 3 days drop, these stocks may come back up again. Temporarily yes they may, after the sharp drop in oil price and the stocks these few days. But I would probably take the opportunity to short it mid term everytime if it does rebound up.

Do not take the risk now... Energy sector may have reached its height. If you are not shorting, please just stay away for the time being!


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

It is raining money with Japan having a QE also!

Dear Friends,

What a day in the gold and silver market again with news that Japan also joined in the fun to participate in the QE party. Now 3/4 largest economies have all announced printing of money... US, Europe(considered one large economy), Japan the latest one to announce.

Attached is an article regarding the Japan's QE.

Now the only significant economy that have not announced is China. We shall see whether China will do it in the next few months.

If China did print money, probably the world will be flooded again with cash galore... and property prices would not go down still. If China did print money, I would predict Shanghai composite will start to run again and get out of their doldrums. Those companies that are listed in Singapore and doing business with China like Yanlord, Capitaland or Noble may also start to run. Let us stay tune to see if that happens...


Market Sentiment Indicator for 19 Sep

1) New York Stock Exchange Sentiment indicator: 71.08% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 3 Jul)
(NYSE Exchange Stocks has turned bullish)

2) Nasdaq Sentiment indicator: 58.71% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 5 Jul)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

3) S&P 500 Sentiment indicator: 79.40% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 18 Jun)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

4) Energy Sentiment indicator: 97.78%  
(Bullish signal: Bull Alert 13 Sep)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

This has to drop as it can't reach 100%, just be careful...

5) Financial Sentiment indicator: 81.48% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 22 Aug)
(Energy Sector has changed sentiment to bullish)

6) Technology Sentiment indicator: 70.89% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 27 Jul)

(S&P500 Technological stocks has turned bullish)
The figure in % indicates how many percent of stocks are bullish in the exchange or sector

A reading above 70 means Overbought condition. Pls note that entering position above 70 indicates Market Risk is high. You may want to play short term or lower your position size. If Bullish sign turns Bearish when reading is above 70 means you should liquidate positions. 

A reading below 30 means Oversold condition. Entering position below 30 indicates Market Risk is low. Consider entering when Bearish signal turns Bullish.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A Pause is Good for the Stock Market

Dear Friends,

If you are worried whether the stock market is going down after the super rally last week, our advise is you probably do not have to worry. For the mid term, 1-2 months, we still expect the bullish momentum to continue. Afterall our market sentiment indicator still shows bullishness in th estock market.

But having said that, I would probably like to see a bit of pause in the stock market. A few down days would be nice for this bullishness to continue. In fact, the faster the stock market runs, the faster it ends. What I would to see in the market is a bit of worry and anxiety coming back. That would make the stock market go further.

Remember that "A Market without worry is a worry for the Bulls". The market badly needs a pause. And yesterday Monday, Dow Jones indeed goes down 40 points. Now STI is also down 7 points. Quite good, not a bad drop. My alarm will sound if Dow drops by a triple digit figure, more than 100 points.

Now that the QE3 expectation has gone, I encourage all to go back to basics. And basic means looking at economical reports. For the past few months, bad results mean good as we expect QE3 to arrive. Now probably no longer so. If next month's job reports continue to be bad, expect the backlash. Btw, I expect november and december jobs number to be good because of holiday season.

Next month 11 October marks the start of the earnings season for American stocks. Do take note that our focus will shift to how the individual stocks are performing.

I would like to end by mentioning what Mr Hu Li Yang has mentioned in the sharesinvestment conference held over the weekend. He said that "Now we have entered into the 2nd half of the bull run, we really need to spend time picking the right stocks." Treat this earnings season a way to get rid of the bad performing stocks in your portfolio.


曾淵滄專欄: 炒落後股要做功課



品中资 [罗国森]: 有iPhone5但没有QE5!

5。不过,消息正式出来的时候,市场的共识是,iPhone 5欠缺惊喜,好像唯一的「革新」就是手机尺寸加长了和变薄了。
iPhone 5没有QE5!」这是有道理的,因为QE始终不是电子消费品嘛!
iPhone 4S,不过,这个改良版的QE不是叫QE2S,而是叫OT
(Operation Twist),一般译作「扭曲操作」。

Monday, 17 September 2012

Summary of what Mr Hu Li Yang/ Prof Zeng/ Jim Rogers/ Mike Bellafiore have said in next article

Dear Friends,

It has been a great 2 weeks of Sharesinvestment Conference. We, Raffles Business International is very honored to be the media partner of Sharesinvestment. Btw, we will giving a brief summary on what the 4 gurus have said and do stay tune to our updates...

We will have a Free Revision on the event, and by joining, you stand a chance to win a Free ipad too.

Look out on our website for more info!


Sunday, 16 September 2012

Our Market Sentiment Indicator indicates we might go into an overdrive soon!

Dear Friends,

If you have been following our posts regularly, you would have found out that we have been bullish ever since June. Indeed, 4 months on, we have to say we have really seen a bullish run towards election as predicted. Our market sentiment indicator has served us well for the past 2 years and judging by the look of things, we may go on for another 2-3 months after which we really need to be careful.

Correction is on the way perhaps 2-3 months later. The situation is that NYSE 3000 stocks have been in the overbought region. My guess is it would be continuing the overbought situation for 1-2 months. Nasdaq stocks have proved this year to lag behind NYSE stocks. Nasdaq might (a guess) turn bearish in 2-3 months.

It has always been this case about the market! Just when the market rejoice about QE3 aftereffects, and stock market has risen to a height, a bearish turn will pop up one day. The thing is 99% of people buying stocks don't have an idea when it will strike. Today I am giving you the estimated time for you to take as reference. It will also depend on the speed of the bullishness...

But do take note that I am not asking all to be bearish now! It would be stupid to short stocks and index as this train goes on super high speed! Go with the trend and flow! Ride on the wave. This is often the point where contrarians also get killed. Who said trading is easy... Trading is tough because we need to shoose when to be a trend follower or a contrarian. It is still a bit early to short the market.

But the time when Obama gets elected is the time to be wary! It may be December or January. I predict the latest is Feb. That may be the point where NYSE might start to turn bearish and a sign of trend changing.

Keep a lookout on our market sentiment indicator. Once our alarms sound, that is the time to get out. In the meantime, let us chase some stocks higher and celebrate with the market!!! This is one last time we can be bullish!!!


Market Sentiment Indicator for 16 Sep

1) New York Stock Exchange Sentiment indicator: 70.69% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 3 Jul)
(NYSE Exchange Stocks has turned bullish)

2) Nasdaq Sentiment indicator: 58.51% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 5 Jul)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

3) S&P 500 Sentiment indicator: 79.00% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 18 Jun)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

4) Energy Sentiment indicator: 97.78%  
(Bullish signal: Bull Alert 13 Sep)
(S&P 500 stocks has changed sentiment to bullish)

This has to drop as it can't reached 100%, just be careful...

5) Financial Sentiment indicator: 81.48% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 22 Aug)
(Energy Sector has changed sentiment to bullish)

6) Technology Sentiment indicator: 70.89% (Bullish signal: Bull Alert 27 Jul)

(S&P500 Technological stocks has turned bullish)
The figure in % indicates how many percent of stocks are bullish in the exchange or sector

A reading above 70 means Overbought condition. Pls note that entering position above 70 indicates Market Risk is high. You may want to play short term or lower your position size. If Bullish sign turns Bearish when reading is above 70 means you should liquidate positions. 

A reading below 30 means Oversold condition. Entering position below 30 indicates Market Risk is low. Consider entering when Bearish signal turns Bullish.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Timing is Everything in Singapore Market!

Dear Friends,

I heard that some friends have said that Singapore Market is so unpredictable because it follows so many countries direction. There is US market affecting the opening. Hong Kong affecting 1/2 hour later. Then Europe in the afternoon session at 3pm.

I would say it is true that Singapore sometimes are pushed around. But this is the amazing benefit also! Treat this as a strategy you can bet on, MARKET TIMING!

As an example, yesterday we have a great news that probably we have not expected, QE3. It can be other good news apart of QE. Take note that QE is the extreme case.

My strategy would be to get in the morning session at the open because Hong Kong open half an hour later will push the stocks forward. You can even sell intraday if you have made some $. Bear in mind that a lot of us lose money at the open because stocks have already gapped up. Even tough Hong Kong market did push Singapore stocks further, upside is limited! You need to be fast on this timing.

But the real thing comes with the Europe opening at 3pm. The best timing I think for Singapore market to get in is after lunch, when market has consolidated. As you would expect Europe open to push the momentum upwards again. And you have time to do your homework and browse through which are the stocks that have gapped up but dies a bit in the morning session. Get in before the Europe opens.

If you are experienced and familiar with US market, sometimes I would predict what will happen in US market tonight. Park your positions before the closing bell to expect the stock market to gap up in the morning after a good run in the US market.

Btw, if you want to know more about US market and its Secrets, come for our seminar ;), hehe.

Singapore market because of its delicate nature to other markets, it really requires our traders to be more experienced in market timing and understanding of other markets... tough job right? Ha, PM Lee once said we need to be a roly-poly 不倒翁 because of our small country. That is true, but it has worked so well for us because of the flexibility and adaptability also, right?!

Good luck trading!


QE3 Hooray in Wallstreet! But how good will it be for the economy?

Dear Friends,

I think this is the last straw Ben Bernanke pulled out of his hat. He definitely did his best to help Obama's election! Well, he is employed by the president, right?

The central bank said it would purchase $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities every month until the labor market improves. The Federal Open Market Committee also said it would likely keep the federal funds rate near zero through at least the middle of 2015.

$40 billion per month with no duration said, seems like what Europe also promised last week, as Mario also said "unlimited" bond buyback... I think both have them seem to have the same thinking.

I think Ben Bernanke play this game very well today. Who knows what will happen when Obama gets reelected? This is probably the only way of not injecting too much cash to increase inflation and satisfy the public and Wallstreet thirst for a QE3. Isn't it better than promising $600billion across 2 years?

The funny thing is that whether it is $600billion across 2 years or $40billion per month with no duration is the same money spent! Just that people like the latter. The word "UNLIMITED" with no dateline sounds infinite! This market is tricked again....ha... SHREWD Bernanke wins the day again... this guy is smart, no doubt!

I have been talking about how clever this guy is, he is one good Wallstreet trader, understand the market psychology so well!

The thing is what is our gameplan now?

 I have been talking about the gameplan all week, and everything so far has gone according to plan.

1) The Silver and Gold ETF did indeed burst forward and climbs higher into the day. So this is definitely one instrument you can look at...

2) I mentioned that the most direct beneficiary of the $$$ is the banks! See how Bank of America and JP Morgan is surging... Now Bank of America is shooting past $9, moving towards $10...

3) With these 2 countries, US and Europe pumping tons and tons of $$$ into the stock market, we really expect the stock market to be booming into year end! Mid term wise, any drop should be taken as opportunity to enter!



Btw we will be talking about how this QE3 will affect currency....Do come to our Forex class next week to learn the secrets of Currency trading!

Up Coming Free FOREX introductory Seminar! 基础外汇课程

Learn from Forex Specialist Lionel Liew about how to invest and earn a stable income from Forex
You shall learn

1) Basics of Forex
2) How to generate a passive income form it
3) Does indicators work in FOREX
4) Money management practices needed in Forex

Date: 18 Sep 2012, Tuesday 7pm - 10pm    (English) or 
Date: 19 Sep 2012, Wednesday 7pm - 10pm   (Chinese 华文)
Speaker: Lionel Leow

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS  to 93676623

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Up Coming Singapore Stock Seminar! 新加坡股票课程!

Up Coming Seminar!

Heard what Jim Rogers and Mike Bellafiore have said about the Market? Let us share with you what is our view on the current market!

You shall learn

1) What is the Guru's View on Current Market
2) Outlook of Singapore and US market
3) How to profit in the stock market in 2nd half of the year
4) A strategy to know the direction of the market this month instantly

Date: 13 Sep 2012, Thursday 7pm - 10pm    (English) or 
Date: 14 Sep 2012, Friday 7pm - 10pm   (Chinese 华文)
Speaker: Daniel Loh, Andy Yew, KL Wong

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS  to 93676623

Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...