Friday, 28 March 2014

Free Seminar: With the turnaround, will stock market continue to power forward in April?

<<With the turnaround, will stock market continue to power forward in April?>> By Daniel Loh

Again Daniel Loh has accurately forecasted the turnaround of the Asian indices amid the Crimea incident.

Article on 21 March 2014 and radio media interviews talking about Asian indices turnaround :

Do you want to know how does Daniel Loh think about April?

Learn about the SECRETS of the Stock Market!

You shall learn:
1) How do you double your account in 1 year systematically even when market is bad?
2) Market Outlook for the Singapore and US markets
3) What are the stocks you should look at in April?
4) Secret Strategies to increase your winning probability in trading

1 Apr  (Tue)  English session or
2 Apr (Wed)  Chinese session 华文讲座

Time: 7pm -10pm
Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

Speaker: Daniel Loh  
Regular invited speaker for Mediacorp FM958
Regular invited speaker for Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank

Cost: Free

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

FM958 Chinese Interview today "What will happen to US market in April?" 今天FM958 电台访问 “美国4月份表现如何?”


·         昨晚美国道指掉了5点,Nasdaq跌了17点。最近美国的科技股有点压力,但是整体的股市还是稳定的。
·         这一次科技股的跌幅是个机会。许多科技股都跌了下来,我们觉得接下来几个星期他们很有可能会反弹。
·         Facebook$72跌到$60Amazon$408跌到$338。这些都是机会!
·         我们判断道指4月还是有可能创历史高点。
·         下个星期美国的走势表现我们觉得因该不错。根据我的的研究,下个星期的就业报告可能会比预期还要好。这将可能会带动股票市场。
·         请大家留意下个星期三的ADP就业报告和星期五的非农业薪金报告跟失业率报告。这几个报告我们都觉得会不错
·         如果星期一的采购经理指数ISM也比预期还要好的话,我相信4月美国的股市会不错。
·         我们在前两个星期节目中有提过,现在美国经济相当好,联储局还是保持宽松灵活的QE政策,股市是跌不深的。不要相信什么克里米亚半岛问题或中国经济放慢问题。
·         最近有些朋友也是担心耶伦说利率可能在2015年的前半年就会调整。我觉得这个利率上升的问题讨论还是有点过早,这几个月应该不会有太大的影响。
·         从图表来看,道琼斯15600点是一个巨大的支持。但是短期,我们觉得他突破历史高点16588点的可能性比较大。
·         总的来说,我们觉得道指如果有大跌,任何的跌幅都是一个机会。


·         两个星期前讨论上证指数,我们提过上证买进的区域在1950-2000点之间。这几天上证确实跑上来一点。现在是2050点左右。
·         这个月上证指数有压力是因为大家又担心中国经济似乎还是很疲弱。
·         这个月中国的采购经理的数据等等报告都不理想。
·         我们觉得媒体太杞人忧天了,一个月数字不理想不代表什么。中国是制造业国家,生产出国大多数给美国和欧洲。最近生产变少的原因是因为西方的圣诞季节已经过了。中国的生产下降没有达到预期的数字是正常的,大家不用担心是不是全世界的经济和需求走下波。这纯粹是周期性的现象。
·         我倒要提醒大家的是中国上证指数虽然还在熊市,但已经在熊市的最后阶段了。
·         任何的上升都有可能回调。但回调的幅度有限。长期的支持就差不多在2000点了。这个熊市怎么跌,也不会跌太远。
·         上证已经两年都一直在很狭窄的空间,1900点到2500点之间徘徊。
·         这个我叫做熊市最尾端的现象。指数寻走的范围视乎越来越狭窄。
·         但是我要提醒大家,万一有一天上证突破了2500点的重要管卡,大家一定要留意中国上证。这条巨龙可能又醒了。
·         中国股市好,会带动很多领域的股票。但是我们还要有耐心等待。


·         海指我们两个星期前有提到可能会在30003050点之间有一个反弹。大家要抓住克里米亚半岛事件问题分批进场。
·         结果海指到了3053点就反弹了。不到5个交易日,海指已经涨了130点。
·         我在这边要呼吁大家玩股票真不容易。如果大家没有便宜和贵的概念是很难玩股票的。可能很多朋友当海指涨了130点,现在在3180点的时候才看买什么股票。这确实有点迟了。高手可能已经在3050点便宜的价位买了。
·         最惨的是有些朋友可能在3250点的时候才开始看股票,当股市上到高点的时候才进场。这些朋友就准备套牢了。
·         以后大家要记得,股市跌深的时候,不管媒体说什么,大家先尝试分批进场。3000-3050点我们都叫做捡便宜的机会。
·         3250点到3300点大家要小心,海指已经上得多,比较贵了。大家要准备分批出场。等待回调的一天!
·         目前我们还是觉得海指相当强劲,可能这几天有机会越过3200点。如果现在大家要进场,鼓励大家看一些业绩不错的成长股。


·         香港横生 我们提过20500-21000点都是横生相当强的支持。前几天跌到了21100点最低点也反弹了。
·         现在是22100点,上了1000点了。我们跟其他亚洲股市一样,觉得亚洲股市还是有上涨的空间。
·         恒指压力在23000点。


1) 日本日经期货指数现在是14680点。那最近也受了亚洲和美国的压力,掉了接近1000点。

2) 我们觉得日经指数上涨的空间还很大,大家还是可以考虑投资。

第8频道《早安你好》骆伟嵩 现场采访:Singpost 能买吗?


1)    昨晚美国道指掉了5点,Nasdaq跌了17点。最近美国的科技股有点压力,但是整体的股市还是稳定的。我们判断道指4月还是有可能创历史高点。

2)    我们判断下个星期美国的走势表现因该不错。根据我的的研究,我们觉得下个星期的就业报告因该会比预期还要好,可能会带动股市。

3)    请大家留意下个星期三的ADP就业报告和星期五的非农业薪金报告。


·         前几个星期在节目中提过我们判断海指会至少到3150点。昨天已经越过这个指数。现在是3164点。我们还是对STI保持乐观的态度。觉得他有可能再继续往上走。下一个强大阻力在3250点。


·         我们觉得Singpost是一支相当有潜力,长期值得投资的成长股。3点为什么?

·         1) Singpost 这几年都保持相当不错的增长率。根据分析师统计,2014年,Singpost有可能有超过25%的成长速度。那是相当好的成长速度。

·         2) Singpost这几年都一直在收购公司,相当成功,驶到盈利稳健的增长。

3) Singpost有详细的计划要主攻电子商,做东南亚的AliBaba。这个领域在东南亚相当大,利润相当可观

Radio FM958 (Fri, today, 28 Mar 1:15pm) talking about "Asia's Market Direction for April !"

Dear Friends,

We got it right when we predicted that Asia will reach a bottom on 21st march 2014 when people are still concerned about the Ukraine and Russia tension. STI has now gone from 3050 to now 3160. All the major Asian index has reversed its fortunes. 

Article talking about the rally of Asian Index:

Do you wish to know more about the direction next week or next month?

Today, I will be interviewed on radio station Capital FM958 (chinese) at 1.15pm talking about 

"Asia's Market Direction for April"

If you are interested to know more, just tune in to FM958... :)

Radio Station website: Listen Live 

Need Windows Media Player 11

Thank you
Daniel Loh

Thursday, 27 March 2014

FREE Singapore market seminar by Andy Yew

<< With STI recovering, what are the stocks to play now?>>

sharing by Andy Yew

27 Mar 2014, Thu (English Seminar) 7pm - 10pm
4 Apr 2014, Fri (English Seminar) 7pm - 10pm (Next Week)

Sharing on
1) Spore Stocks that are trending upwards that you should take note of
 Spore Stocks that are suitable for short term trading
3) Spore Stocks that are showing reversal signals
4) Spore Stocks that are suitable for long term
Plus we will be providing analysis on your stocks!

Venue: 141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, opposite the traffic light

Speaker: Andy Yew (ART system Founder) 

To register pls click here 

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623 

Singapore Stock Tip: Aztech looks strong still

Now: $0.145
Target 1: $0.159
Target 2: $0.165
Stop loss: $0.13

Singapore Stock Tip: Ausgroup looks promising?

Now: $0.325 (27th March)
Target: $0.39
Stop loss: $0.28

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Commodities Play: Coffee indeed reached our first target at $170!

Dear Friends,

We did mention that this is one chance not to be missed. We forecasted Coffee to hit a deadly rock at $200 on 5th March!

The Article on Coffee hitting a rock at $200:

Look at where is coffee price now! $170 in barely 5 trading days. Such is the dramatic fall in the price of coffee from its peak! We got it almost pinpoint right again!

For those who have followed our call (if you have the chance to play coffee futures), you might be laughing like us. This call was issued against the run of play this month when commodities prices is raging up!

Below second trade on shorting coffee futures that I opened two days back and still holding. The first trade I opened and closed a few days back.

For the second trade, I opened 2 days ago, now I am still holding on to a paper profit of US$9693.

I am waiting to see if $170 can be broken to close my trade. 

If $170 is broken, I am looking at $150 2nd target. Now I will just trail my stop loss down.


Friday, 21 March 2014

Do not be concerned about Yellen comments! Asia shall rally?

Dear Friends,

It  does seem that today, the world is concerned about Yellen yesterday comments about interest rates rising "six months after" QE ends. I think it is still early for a hugh selloff due to interest rates rise.

Rest assured that Yellen will never allow the market to sell off 2000 points in the DOW.

Please remember that FED and Yellen still has the QE tapering trump card in her hand. If she sense that stock market is reacting too nervously, please trust me that she will appear in the media again to reassure us that QE won't taper so fast, and maybe stop tapering temporarily.

Yellen wants the stock market to go up steadily. She understands the whole financial system runs on the stock market. Without the confidence of the stock market, there won't be spending. Without spending and demand, the enterprises will not employ. With no jobs, the housing market will still be weak.

She needs the stock market to survive and thrive!

I am buying into this drop yesterday, instead of worrying.

I think a lot of Asian indices are cheap now. Although the market has not touch the bottom I like, I am already testing the water now.

Buying zone:
1) STI - 3000-3050,                  now is 3057
2) KLCI - 1750- 1800,              now is 1818
3) Hang Seng - 20500 - 21000,  now is 21182
4) Shanghai - 1950 - 2000,         now is 1993
5) Nikkei - 13500 - 14000,        now is 14350

You can see that all the indices are near what we term as the buying zone!

I am ready to test water anytime now by entering positions, are you?



Free Seminar: 

<< How should you prepare yourself in the stock market if interest rate does rise in mid 2015 >>  By Daniel Loh 

Learn about what Daniel Loh thinks about the stock market before interest rate rises and after it rises!

You shall learn:
1) Will the market be affected by the rise in interest rate now?
2) Will interest rate rise affect safe assets like property, gold and treasuries? How can you protect yourself?
3) Will interest rise signals the end of the bull run?
4) Know about what sectors and stocks will be in play with the rise!

Speaker: Daniel Loh  
Regular invited speaker for Mediacorp FM958
Regular invited speaker for Mediacorp Channel 8 Financial Programmes
SIAS investment trainer
Invited speaker for Phillip Securities
Invited speaker for Affin Investment Bank

Cost: Free

Malaysia Date: 
23 Mar  (Sun)  English session
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Malaysia Venue : 
Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya, Level 3, Room Arista,
Lot 6, Lorong Utara C, Section 52,
46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia

Singapore Date: 
26 Mar  (Wed)  English session
Time: 7pm -10pm
Singapore Venue: 
141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
#07-02 S(069541),
Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats><code:B> to 
+65 9367 6623 (Singapore) or 
+6016 310 5528 (Malaysia)

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The world is baffled by DOW rally!

Dear Friends,

Wallstreet is baffled by these 2 days rally (up by 270points) just as the world is equally mystified by the disappearance of the MH370 malaysia plane. I have been following constantly every day on the news of the aircraft and hope that everything goes well.

But, unlike some who thinks that the US market should correct hard, I gave my opinion last friday regarding the market. We remain thoroughly bullish of the market. We simply thinks that DOW can't drop much now, given the loose monetary policy that Fed chairwoman Yellen employs.

Check out our chinese article on Friday where we comment to catch hold of any opportunity to buy the indices.

We do think that with Yellen constantly giving a push and confidence in the market will keep this bull run alive. No correction can be long, especially for these 2 months.

I know that you may be concerned with the market amid the poor China economic reports and Russia episode.

But the market, especially US market, just can't stop running, like a bullet train with no brakes now.


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

FREE Singapore market seminar by Andy Yew

<< Do you want to spot the next Amtek?>>

sharing by Andy Yew

Date: 20 Mar 2013, Thu (English Seminar) 7pm - 10pm
21 Mar 2013, Fri (华文讲座) 7pm - 10pm

Recently, Andy Yew spotted Amtek and advised all to watch this stock in class. On 24 Feb, there was a signal using the ART software screener. It is now up more than 36% now. Do you want to know which Singapore stock might be the next Amtek?

Sharing on
1) Spore Stocks that are trending upwards that you should take note of
2) Spore Stocks that are suitable for short term trading
3) Spore Stocks that are showing reversal signals
4) Spore Stocks that are suitable for long term
Plus we will be providing analysis on your stocks!

Venue: 141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, opposite the traffic light

Speaker: Andy Yew (ART system Founder)

To register pls click here
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Friday, 14 March 2014

FM958 Interview today "Is Ukraine an opportunity?" 今天FM958 电台访问 “乌克兰会是一个机会吗?”

·    根据报道,昨天的下滑是因为两样担忧。
·    第一是中国最近的经济数据不理想。上个星期的贸易数据和昨天的零售业数据和工业生产指数都比分析师的预测还要低。这个月整体的经济报告显示中国的经济似乎没有相前个月好。
·    第二是乌克兰选举的不稳定事件。这个周末,Crimea克里米亚半岛将会投票选要跟乌克兰或者俄罗斯。那根据统计,视乎可能比较多人会选俄罗斯。选了俄罗斯过后,乌克兰又会有怎样的反应?还会反抗吗?这是市场的担忧。
·    这两件事件驶到最近投资者采取比较谨慎的态度。昨天大家可以看到,华尔街有开始套利的现象。
·    我到觉得这是个机会。好像我在这几个星期访谈中提过,我们觉得联储局还是保持宽松灵活的QE政策。如果股市大掉或者经济数据连续几个月不理想,这个QE解除的政策,耶伦,有说过,有可能暂时停止不减。
·    所以我们暂时的投资建议是等机会!看这几天的走势如何。如果道指又往下滑,导致再下滑500点,我觉得大家可以准备开始进场。现在道指是在16108点。再下滑多500点的点数是15600点。在15600点我觉得就是一个机会。
·    大家请记得股市也不会每天跑。但有着联储局这样的招牌,我们觉得任何休息都是暂时的,股市休息了才能走得更远。


·         中国上证指数从上个月最高点2177点掉了下来。开始滑落的原因是因为上个月219日的PMI数据非常不理想。从那天起就跌倒现在 。前天上证到达1974点。
·         我们觉得这个是正常现象,大家不用恐慌。中国是制造业国家,生产出国大多数给美国和欧洲。最近生产变少的原因是因为西方的圣诞季节已经过了。中国的生产下降没有达到预期的数字是正常的,大家不用担心是不是全世界的经济和需求走下波。这纯粹是周期性的现象。
·         目前我最希望看到进场的目标价是1950点。只要在1950点以下,我觉得大家都可以考虑分批进场。
·         中国股市现在还在冬眠状态。任何的上升都有可能回调。但回调的幅度有限。长期的支持就差不多在2000点了。这个熊市怎么跌,也不会跌太远。但怎么跑,也跑不过2500点。
·         上证已经两年都一直在很狭窄的空间,1900点到2500点之间徘徊。
·         这个我叫做熊市最尾端的现象。指数寻走的范围视乎越来越狭窄。
·         但是我要提醒大家,万一有一天上证突破了2500点的重要管卡,大家一定要留意中国上证。这条巨龙可能又醒了。
·         中国股市好,会带动很多领域的股票。但是我们还要有耐心等待。


·         新加坡海峡指数最近几天也逃不了下滑的命运,这4天都急忙下滑了80点。
·         早上是大概在3060点徘徊。
·         我觉得这一样是个机会。
·         我们觉得海指可以买进的区域是3000-3050点之间。
·         在这个区域,我相信如果亚洲很有可能都会一起反弹。


·         香港横生最近受中国的影响,从23000点掉了下来。今天又跌了200多点。现在是21500点。
·         横生如果有机会爹到21000点,我就会分批进场。20500-21000点都是横生相当强的支持。大家不要错过这个机会!

  • 日本日经期货指数现在是14300点。那最近也受了亚洲和美国的压力,掉了接近1000点。
  • 我们觉得机会也开始出现了。
  • 13500点到14000点都是日本日经的底部,大家可以乘机进场。
  • 整体来说,我们都发现亚洲的跌幅已差不多到达我们的理想价位了。日经只差300点,横生500点。中国上证差50点。这些我们叫做机会。大家不要忘记,当股市跌多的时候,我们才能在股市中赚大钱。

  • 我想强调的是我们现在还处于牛市的状态。任何的下滑都是进场的时机。大家不必太担心乌克兰有没有出现问题。这些都是媒体炒作的新闻。我跟巴菲特的观点是一样的。如果万一有冲突或打仗,大家要乘机会买股票。
  • 任何的恐慌,只要不会影响美国经济的,照成股市下滑的,都是好机会进场。

Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...