Thursday, 31 March 2016

FREE Investment Seminar by Andy Yew (in Singapore)

Many Singapore stocks ran!  What are the other stocks to watch out for next?

- Seminar by Andy Yew (Live FM93.8 Market Analyst)

STI has recovered strongly!  A lot of blue chip stocks are running. 

Same as mid cap stocks and penny stocks recently. Look at MM2 Asia, Yoma and Sunningdale Tech and so many more. 

Andy Yew now thinks that Singapore is now indeed on a recovery mission.

Come and join Andy Yew to find out what are the other singapore stocks that is ABOUT to RUN soon!

Join us fast before they start to run too....... Don't miss out this Bullish run!

What you will learn:

What are the stocks that are in accumulating mode now?
Where is STI resistance now?
What are the sectors and stocks to watch out for?
How do you buy a uptrend stock on the reversal with precision?
Market outlook and individual Singapore stocks analysis using Technical Analysis

Dates: (Choose one)

1  Apr 2016, Friday     (English)    7pm - 10pm
14 Apr 2016,Thursday(English)   7pm - 10pm  

10 Anson Road, International Plaza #34-07 Singapore 079903
( Nearest MRT Tanjong Pagar )

Fee: Free

Speaker: Mr. Andy Yew (ART system founder)

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

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