Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Free Seminar and Stock Tips: What stocks are the Big Players buying now?

Many Singapore Investors did not make money from the stock market because of the collapse of the stock market ever since mid of last year!
Keppel Corp has dropped 47% for the past year. OCBC has dropped  24%. Even a supposedly good stock like Singpost has dropped 22% last year although Alibaba injected $279million with another 5% stake last year.
What happened?!?!
The Reason is that many BIG INSTITUTIONAL PLAYERS have left Singapore market in the last couple of years!
As retailers, it gets harder now to find local stocks that still show Big Players.
So what can you do to still make money playing stocks?
      (1)  Look for stocks that show Big Players in other markets like Hong Kong, Malaysia or US as I noticed some Institutional Players have indeed left for other markets. It is a lot easier to spot stocks that show Big Players in other markets. Nowadays you can easily buy stocks listed overseas through local brokerage houses. In fact all big brokers like Phillip Securities or DBS Vickers or OCBC Securities should be able to allow you to trade.
Take a look at the following Hong Kong and Malaysia stocks that now show Big Players. I am using Andy Yew's formulated ART system to pick up these stocks.
a)     Hong Kong stock: Alibaba Health Informatics Tech (Click on chart to enlarge)

b)     Malaysia stock: Sernkou  (Click on chart to enlarge)

      (2)  Use Andy Yew's proprietary way to spot Big Players still left in Singapore local market (although not many stocks left but still a few)
If you would to find out what are the Singapore Stocks that show Big Players now, I recommend you to attend a Free Seminar conducted by Andy Yew (DL Investment's in-house trainer on Singapore Stocks)
Daniel Loh 
DL Investment Director

FREE Seminar by Andy Yew: 
What are the Singapore Stocks that show Big Players Now?

What you will learn:

What are the Singapore / Hong Kong / Malaysia stocks that show Big Players Now? (Knowing this will make you better than 95% of retail investors)
Learn how you can know the Best Performing or Worst Performing Sector of the month (This will help you to strategize and know what sector to zoom in on to minimize time spent)
How do you identify correctly the trend of the stock so as to know precisely when to exit a trade when trend change
How do you leverage on CFDs to short stocks that are bearish now (Understanding this will enable you to make money even in a bearish market)

A look at your stocks health now in 60 seconds (Discussions on stocks that you want to see or are of concern now)

Dates: (Choose one)

19 May 2016,Thursday(English) 7pm - 10pm or

26 May 2016,Thursday(English) 7pm - 10pm


10 Anson Road, International Plaza 
Singapore 079903
( Nearest MRT Tanjong Pagar )

Fee: Free

Speaker: Mr. Andy Yew (ART system founder)

To register :  pls click here

Thursday, 5 May 2016

FM958电台访问Daniel Loh:全球股市大掉 - 美国这个星期五非农就业报告非常关键!

·       美国这个星期五非农就业报告(Non Farm Payroll)非常关键!


当时5月我们预测可能股市要开始调整了。我们还提起华尔街的俗语Sell in May and Go Away称五月清仓离场又可能要灵验了。




当全世界股市从2月起跑了两个多月,海指从2530点跑到了2950点,大家就要小心谨慎了。你不卖,Keppel Corp 就从6.20跌倒现在5.20.  OCBC也从9.50跌倒8.50。现在大家或许可以买更便宜了。






·      新加坡股市9天持续下滑








·      中国GDP又下滑,中国又要印钱了!

上证指数 4月的走势都很稳定,一直在2900-3000点之间。当然两个星期前虽然中国的GDP数据又跌了0.1%,从6.8%掉到了6.7%。但是我的看法是中国经济已经差不多在底部了。政府的预测是今年的GDP会在6.5%7%

我相信这个季度GDP又掉,接下来几个月中国政府又可能降低利息或降准或又要印钱了。我相信短期股市会恢复。如果大家仔细研究最近的经济数据报告,中国的工业生产总值对比去年其实上涨6.8%  零售额上涨 10.5% 新建筑这3个月既然飙升了19.2%


FREE Investment Seminar by Andy Yew

Topic: How do you use Trend Following Methods to Find Good Stocks

- by Andy Yew (Live FM93.8 Market Analyst)

What you will learn:
  • Trend Following Strategies to trade in Stocks
  • How this strategy can be applied  around the World?
  • Simple Steps to pick the Trending and Reversal Stocks?
  • How you can apply Sector Analysis to find what is the Strong/Weak sectors now?
  • Market outlook and individual Singapore stocks analysis using Technical Analysis

Dates: (Choose one)

6 May 2016,  Friday         (English) 7pm - 10pm
10 May 2016,星期二 Tues    (华文)       7pm - 10pm

11 May 2016,Wednesday(English) 7pm - 10pm


10 Anson Road, International Plaza 
Singapore 079903
( Nearest MRT Tanjong Pagar )

Fee: Free

Speaker: Mr. Andy Yew (ART system founder)

To register :  pls click here

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