Thursday, 26 July 2018

958访谈 2018年7月26日:欧美贸易战美国胜利驶到股市大涨!买什么?

·        欧美贸易战美国胜利驶到股市大涨!

道琼斯昨晚闭市在25414 点,涨了172点。

中国也会对美国妥协 - 买贸易战已大跌的指数和股票!

美国银行股业绩表现非常好 - 有望带动全世界银行股下半年回调!
美国银行股比如:美国银行,Bank of America,JP Morgan Citigroup 都值得看。新加坡银行股也一样。不要忘了,接下来半年美国还会增加利息两次,这一定会为银行股带来更多利润。

·        新加坡海指又站上3300点 - 有望跑到3450点






·        中国上证指数猛涨200点,还值得留意!





Daniel Loh

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Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Investors Take Note! Time to Look at All Banking Stocks in 2nd Half of 2018!

Dear Friends,

If some of you keep track of Banking Stocks all over the world, you probably will have notice that Banking stocks have not been performing well ever since January!

US banking stocks like JP Morgan has dropped from US$119 to around US$100. Citigroup has dropped from US$80 to US$64.

European Banks like ING group has dropped from US$20 to around US$14. Deutsche Bank has dropped from US$20 to US$10!

Even Singapore Banks like OCBC has dropped from S$14 to S$11 in just 2 months. UOB has dropped from S$30 to S$26 in 2 months.

So have the Banks lost its luster?!

Not really...

**** In fact to know whether the banks will be doing well, all you need to do is study the Earnings announcement of US Bank Earnings.

Last week, a lot of US Banks declared tremendous earnings that beat Earnings Estimates!

This is a show of Great strength and Comeback!

It is time to take note of Banking Stock again 2nd Half of 2018!!

Out of all the Banking Stocks, I like European Banks the MOST! 

Reason being it drop the most over the last 6 months.

Tomorrow Deutsche Bank (Symbol: DB) will issue its Earnings. I am looking to see if this Germany Bank is making a comeback. 

This stock has dropped 50% since the start of this year! Looks really tasty to me...

If it is, I will be poised on invest some European Banks like ING Group (Symbol: ING) - My favorite Banking stock in Europe.

(P.S. European Banking Stocks can be bought in US Exchange if you have access to US Stock Quotes, I will be posting results of European Banks like Deutsche soon)

Daniel Loh

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Congratulations if you follow our call on US stock Coherent - Making US$10,780 profit, 40% return in 1 month!!

Dear Friends,

Did you follow our last call on Coherent, a US stock I am aiming to bottom exactly at US$150. This stock has dropped from US$329 in January to US$150 recently!

If you have, Congratulations!

Check out on our last article tip on this stock when it was at $152, when we issued a buying call on 27th June 2018.

Last article:

Today the stock price has risen to US$170, where our first target of US$167-$170 is reached.

What I did was I bought some Coherent stock options,

with a Total capital of US$27,720.

Total profit is US$10,780, 40% return in 1 month!

This is the beauty of learning how to trade!

I always believe TRADING is a skillset that can create a Bonus income for you every month, all you need is have the correct Skillset and Method!

(P.S. If this stock can break above $173, it has potential to go to my 2nd target profit of US$197-US$200)

Daniel Loh

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