Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Shanghai rebounded as predicted

Dear Friends,

If you have heard of our recent interview in FM958 radio, we did talked about Shanghai Composite.

This is what we mentioned.

·         上证今天是大概2012点。上证指数最近的表现相当的弱。上证从12月头到现在已经滑落了200点,接近10%

·         长期来说,我觉得如果投资上证指数等两三年是不会亏的。从技术分析,上证已经视乎到了熊市的尾端。熊市的尾端有一个现象。就是下不多,上不了。

·         上证已经在1900-2500点之间徘徊了20 两个月了。要他狂跌到比如1600点也很难。

·         短期来说,我们也判断现在2000点值得投资,再跌到1950点可以再准备进场"

At that time, Shanghai composite is hovering around 2000 points.

Today it indeed rebounded strongly! Today it goes up a strong 43 points. Temporarily I think this is the best oversold index. 

2000 we think is a good support. At most we predict the lowest it reach is 1950.


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