Thursday 23 April 2015

FREE Seminar by Andy Yew

<< Hong Kong Stocks that you need to put inside your portfolio! >>


sharing by Andy Yew
主讲:Andy Yew

23 April 2015, Thu     (English Seminar)  7pm - 10pm
24 April 2015, Fri       (华文讲座)               7pm - 10pm

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Hong Kong market is now on fire! There are so many good stocks that should be on your watchlist or portfolio. Come and listen to Andy Yew.

You will also learn:
Hong Kong stocks that are trending now
Cheap Hong Kong stocks that are has reversed its fortunes
China Stocks that is still on the rise
Which market to participate, China or Hong Kong markets?

141 Cecil Street, 
Tung Ann Association Building #07-02 S(069541) 
Tanjong Pagar MRT Exit G, walk straight 80m, 
opposite the traffic light

Speaker: Andy Yew (ART system Founder)

To register pls click here 

or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623 

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