Friday, 28 June 2013

FREE Property Seminar: How to become Successful in Properties

Do you wish to know how to MAKE a Living in property?

Do you wish to know the Basics 123 in investing in local property?

Do you wish to know the Property market outlook in 2013?

In this seminar you shall learn:


1) 3 Basic simple strategies in buying properties
2) The pitfalls of a unsuccessful property investor
3) The Property market climate in Singapore and Malaysia
4) Learn about how the CEOs think when buying properties

Date: Thu, 27th June 2013 (English) and Fri, 28th June 2013 (Chinese)
Time: 7pm -10pm
Venue: 141 Cecil St, Tung Ann Association Building
#07-02 S(069541), Tanjong Pager MRT Exit G,
Walk straight 80m, opp traffic light
Speaker: Trevor Soon  (RBI Property Group director)

Charges:  FREE

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><No of Seats> to 93676623 and we will contact you.

Any inquiries, pls contact 6534 9979 to ask.

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