Monday 3 June 2013

Malaysia Investment Seminar: What are the stocks to invest in after Election now?

Dear Friends, 

KLCI has been fluctuating between 1750 and 1800 points. What is the direction now? Are there some stocks that have done well recently in KLSE??? What are some of the stocks that you may invest in after election?

Stocks like PWROOT has done well these few months.

How do you really locate such a stock? Do you study its fundamental or technical? Are there any indications that this stock has BIG players inside?

All these SECRETS will be found in our INVESTMENT SEMINAR in Bangsar, Malaysia!!  We will also be touching on how you should prepare yourselves after election and for this year also. Be sure to join us for an investment seminar this FRIDAY 7th June 2013,  7.30pm - 10pm!

Topic: <SECRETS of the Malaysian Stock Market - HOW do you locate the NEXT PWROOT??>

Date: 7th June , Friday, 7.30pm - 10pm
Chart Nexus Office
Suite A-20-13A,
Level 20, Menara UOA Bangsar,
No.5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1,
59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Speaker: Daniel Loh
Busy Weekly columnist
Invited by Affin Investment Bank
Invited by Phillip Securities 
Radio Station FM958 regular speaker
SIAS investment trainer

Seats are limited!! 
CALL in +6012 377 1342  to book or SMS <NAME><HP><Email><No of Seats>
to +6012 377 1342

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