Sunday, 8 September 2013

SECRETS of the Singaproe Property Market

Do you wish to know if it is a GOOD Opportunity to BUY or SELL property now? 

In this seminar you will also learn:

1) How do you know if this property market is still a good market?
2) The pitfalls of a unsuccessful property investor
3) The Property market climate in Singapore and Malaysia
4) Ways to find an excellent location

Date: Tue, 10th Sep 2013 (English)
Time: 7pm -10pm

Venue: 141 Cecil St, Tung Ann Association Building
#07-02 S(069541), Tanjong Pager MRT Exit G,
Walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

Speaker: Trevor Soon  
Huttons Specialist
15 years experience in property industry
Specialise in both residential and commercial

Charges:  FREE

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><No of Seats> to 93676623

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