Thursday, 4 April 2013

胡立阳老师演讲!95.8FM 理财高手系列讲座 2013


我最尊敬的投资老师 ,胡立阳老师将在4月28日在Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre举办一场股市讲座。想了解未来股市的秘密,请上这个网站登记。

·        进场前必学的胡氏投资理念
·        进场后必懂的看图实战最高技巧
·        投资过程中须牢记5大心法

日期: 428(星期天)
时间: 2pm-5pm
地点: Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre (多美歌地铁站)
票价: $128 (包含茶点)

订票热线:6296 2929
以及全岛的AXS machines.

d358_95.8 poster.jpg

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Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...