Monday, 12 August 2013

Singapore Stock Tip: Ezion reached our target 2 of $2.45-$2.50

Dear Friends,

We did mentioned in our previous article covering this stock that we need to pay attention to the momentum of the stock after it drops. The momentum will tell us how strong the stock is.

Our last article on Ezion titled:

<Singapore Stock Tip: Ezion- The mark of a good stock is one that comes back up strongly after a few days weakness>

We mentioned that we set the 2nd target price of $2.45-$2.50 for short to mid term play. Today it reached our target and we are liquidating our position as we feel there might be a short term resistance in this region.

Once it consolidates, we shall see again. If it goes up, let it be.

For those who have not entered, you are late on the bus, avoid going in.

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