Monday, 23 December 2013

STI might become the best performing index in Asia before CNY!

Dear Friends,

Some have asked why we have not updated our blog as often about the local market. Because these few weeks it has been really bad. There isn't many stocks for us to pick.

If you have taken note about our article, we mentioned that we should start to accumulate some Singapore stocks in the region 3000-3050. If it drop somemore, 2950 should be the lowest.

Recent Article when STI is falling like a knife mentioning about the accumulation zone:

Recently STI hit the lowest point at 3025 on the 12th December. It is within what we called the accumulation zone. In recent interviews in FM958 and Channel 8, we did mention that we should accumulate the good stocks or STI component stocks first.

Recent interview summary in FM958:

We do think that Singapore market is finally seeing a bottom and bullish momentum is definitely growing. 

Judging by the analysis on the market, we also see good potential in mid cap and of course the dreaded penny stocks recently!

Do not think that it is not possible that Penny stocks might be coming back with a vengeance. We already see some stocks brewing up.

With the QE tapering confusion episode over, I think the selling of STI stocks might be over. We think that that might be a strong rally ahead before Chinese New Year next year.

Let us get ready and be prepared!

We shall update you on more singapore stocks analysis soon!

We are excited now! And remember, once the momentum goes into full strength, be careful of shorting any stocks.


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