Thursday, 31 January 2013

FREE Seminar: SECRETS of trading and How to Gain a Passive Income Every Month!!!

Want to learn how to Profit USD$32, 283.75  in 3 weeks??
You might not have to work anymore....


<<HOW to GAIN a PASSIVE INCOME in TRADING? >>  presentation by Daniel Loh

You shall learn:

- How do you make a consistent income in trading?
- The correct habits of a trader?
- What is Stocks, Options, Futures and Future Options?
- How does Warren Buffet hedge his positions?
- How do you increase your probability of winning to 95% by just spending 5 minutes every month?

31 Jan 2013, Thu    7pm - 10pm   ( 华文 ) 
5 Feb 2013, Tue     7pm - 10pm   (English)

Speaker: Daniel Loh

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...