Saturday, 28 July 2012

亚洲股神胡立阳老师抵达新加坡 Asia Top Investment Guru Mr Hu Li Yang arrived!

My Sifu, Mr Hu Li Yang has arrived! My photo with him in Airport when I welcomed him. Going to his seminar 2moro... will brief you on what he said about the MARKET in our seminar on next Thursday!!!


SEMINAR on MR Hu Li Yang views of the MARKET! Join us!
Topic: Revision of  Mr Hu Li Yang's views of the Global Market & Singapore Market Outlook in August!
Speaker: Daniel Loh (Singapore Partner of Mr Hu Li Yang); Mr Hu Li Yang will not be present
Fee: 1 person $20, 2 person $30. Notes will be given to each participant.

Date: Thursday(Eng) 2 Aug 7pm - 9.30pm      or      Friday (Chn) 10 Aug 7pm - 9.30pm 
Place: 141 cecil st, tung ann association building, #07-02, Singapore 069541,
            tanjong pagar mrt exit G, walks str 80m, opposite traffic light
To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

Apple 5G phone will be a revolution! How do you take advantage of this hype?

Dear Friends, It is a well known fact that US is trying to catch up with the 5G technology of China. That is the reason why US has viewed ...