Friday 21 September 2012

FREE Investment Seminar by Daniel Loh

<<Secrets of the US stock market & How it affects Singapore market>>
- How will the Stock market be after QE3?

You shall learn

1) US market important economical reports and implications
2) Outlook of Singapore and US market
3) How to profit in the stock market in 2nd half of the year
4) An easy way to pick the right stocks

Date: 25 Sep 2012, Tues 7pm - 10pm    (English) or
Date: 26 Sep 2012, Wed 7pm - 10pm   (Chinese)
Speaker: Daniel Loh

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
            #07-02 S(069541),
            Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623

 《美国股市的秘密 他如何影响新加坡股市》
-  QE3过后,股市的方向是什么?


日期:925(星期二,· 英文讲座)      926(星期三,· 华文讲座)
时间:晚上7 10
讲员:  Daniel Loh
地点:141 Cecil Street, Tung Ann Association Building
#07-02 S(069541),

丹戎巴葛地铁站G出口,· 直走80米,· 红绿灯对

如想报名,请点 here 
或 SMS <名><Email><手机><日期><多少席位> 到 93676623

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