Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Singapore Stock Tip: Starhub is remarkably resistant, let us see if it goes past $3.23

Dear Friends,

Amid the volatile market swing, I find that Starhub seems remarkably strong and resilient. It touches briefly at $3.25 before coming back to end the day at $3.20. Volume is higher today than yesterday, which is a good thing. Let us see if it goes back up to $3.23 again.

May have the chance to move up somemore if it can move past $3.23.

Having said that, 4th May is the earnings day. Will this stock run to earnings day? Remember to liquidate your position b4 earnings.



Btw we will be giving a FREE Seminar on trading on Singapore Stocks:

Prof Chan Yan Chong revision & Secrets of Singapore Stocks
<<曾渊昌博士投资复习班 & 新加坡股市的秘密>> 

Topic:  1) Will there be a QE3? What conditions are needed to have it?
           2) Why is the the market so concerned on Europe Bond Auctions?
           3) How will Oil affect America Economy?
           4) When will China Stock Market Slump End? How will it affect Singapore?

Thu, 26 Apr 2012 (English) and Fri, 27 Apr 2012 (Chinese)
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Session: English & Chinese
Speaker: Mr Daniel Loh (Student of Prof Chan)

Venue: 141 cecil street, Tung Ann Association Building
                #07-02 S(069541),
                Tanjong Pagar MRT exit G, walk straight 80m, opp traffic light

To register pls click  here 
or SMS <Name><Email><HP><Date><Number of seats> to 93676623 

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